Back to Fall 2021


let me help you dye your hair,

you can open that bottle of wine.

you’ll talk about my father in past tense,

i’ll wonder who’s to blame for everything,

make sure not to tie your hair too tight.

how long will you stay angry?

tell me again, i don’t want to know.

i’m your confidant, always have been,

my heart so heavy with it.

how long before i shrug it aside?

we go in circles, you tell me i should grow up,

but at the end of it all i’m just your little girl

with a red ribbon asking,

will you braid my hair?

will you braid my hair?

how to appease the creatures that live under the 7-eleven

come alone. park by the icebox. do not turn off your engine.

flash your brights three times—1—2—3.

if your radio volume is on an odd number, make it even.

you’re just an accident waiting to happen.

flash your brights three times—1—2—3.

if the streetlights start to flicker, get out of the car but don’t close the door.

you’re just an accident waiting to happen.

they want to come out and slice you at the joints.

if the streetlights start to flicker, get out of the car but don’t close the door.

dump your red slushie into the storm drain.

they want to come out and slice you at the joints.

feel cold hands press your shoulders. turn around to see nothing there.

dump your red slushie into the storm drain.

if your radio volume is on an odd number, make it even.

feel cold hands press your shoulders. turn around to see nothing there.

come alone. park by the icebox. do not turn off your engine.